Fluoride has been misunderstood for many years, with unfounded criticism suggesting that it negatively impacts human health. This misinformation, including half-truths and outright falsehoods, is particularly prevalent online concerning professional fluoride treatment. Yet, when appropriately used, fluoride plays a crucial role in enhancing and preserving excellent oral health. Your oral care regimen isn’t complete without fluoride, whether sourced from toothpaste, tap water, or mouth rinses. The professional fluoride treatment available at dental clinics provides a level of fluoride you can’t find in over-the-counter products, improving the advantages of fluoride treatment as part of a preventive dentistry solution. Let’s explore more frequently asked questions about what fluoride treatment brings to your oral health.
Your pearly whites are constantly in a tug-of-war between demineralization and remineralization. Demineralization happens when mouth bacteria feast on carbohydrates, leading to acid production. This acid eats away the enamel, the protective outer layer of your teeth, making it soft and susceptible to decay – a process called demineralization.
But not all hope is lost. Your saliva is a superhero, armed with minerals like phosphate and calcium, actively rehardening and strengthening your tooth enamel all day. This process, known as remineralization, counterbalances the damage from demineralization. Fluoride plays a pivotal role in speeding up remineralization. So, without sufficient remineralization, your risk of cavities increases significantly. Don’t leave things to chance — offer your teeth an extra layer of protection with a professional fluoride treatment and reduce your chance of developing cavities.
If you’re noticing signs of a cavity advancing in your oral cavity, consider professional fluoride treatments as a potential solution to halt its growth. While fluoride cannot guarantee stopping small cavities, applying it promptly may spare you from the experience of dental drilling. By adhering to a high-standard oral hygiene routine at home and visiting your dentist regularly for fluoride treatments, you’re taking all the necessary steps to possibly halt or even overturn the development of minor cavities into major dental issues.
Opt for fluoride treatment from your dentist and enjoy unrestricted activities and diet. With just a brief interval of 30 minutes before your next meal or drink, you’re free to indulge in whatever your palate desires. Rely on the entirely safe and naturally occurring mineral fluoride to enhance your oral health without compelling you to make drastic lifestyle changes.
Dr. Cheng Zhu and his team at Pleasant Hill Dental in Pleasant Hill, California, work with patients to educate them on how to protect their smiles’ health. If you live in or around the community and want to speak to a professional about the advantages of fluoride treatment and its role in preventive dentistry, call (925) 693-7077 to request an upcoming appointment.