If your dentist determines you need a tooth pulled, do not panic! Tooth extractions are much more common than most people think. If your tooth is damaged to the point that it cannot be repaired or if your teeth are severely overcrowded, it might be necessary for the dentist to pull it. There are numerous other reasons to have a tooth pulled. Let’s take a look at why it sometimes makes sense to extract a tooth for improved oral health.
Most patients are surprised to learn gum disease can necessitate tooth extraction1. Untreated gum disease will prove quite destructive to the teeth in due time. In fact, untreated gum disease has the potential to destruct the teeth just as much as tooth decay. As gum disease advances, the gum tissue, supporting bone and ligaments gradually degenerate. As tooth support structures deteriorate, the teeth gradually loosen. If gum disease is allowed to progress, the teeth will eventually fall out or require extraction and subsequent tooth replacement.
Tooth decay is the top reason for tooth extraction. In many cases, patients who require tooth extraction as a result of tooth decay have avoided the dentist’s office for years. Those who visit with the dentist once every six months rarely end up at the point at which tooth decay necessitates tooth extraction. Tooth decay gradually impacts tooth enamel, moves on through the inner part of the tooth including the dentin and eventually eats a hole through the tooth. Bacteria subsequently enters the center of the tooth, causing root canal infection. The longer you wait to treat your decayed tooth, the worse the destruction will be. If the dentist determines the tooth cannot be saved due to excessive decay, he or she might advise extraction along with tooth restoration treatment.
Impacted teeth are those that do not erupt past the gum line. Teeth that merely partially erupt are also considered impacted teeth. There are multiple causes of tooth impaction. A tooth that emerges in a displaced manner, a tooth that emerges at an odd angle and overcrowding can lead to impacted teeth. In most cases, the wisdom teeth are impacted as the jaw is not spacious enough to accommodate such teeth.
Impacted teeth are those that do not erupt past the gum line. Teeth that merely partially erupt are also considered impacted teeth. There are multiple causes of tooth impaction. A tooth that emerges in a displaced manner, a tooth that emerges at an odd angle and overcrowding can lead to impacted teeth. In most cases, the wisdom teeth are impacted as the jaw is not spacious enough to accommodate such teeth.
In some situations, the patient’s unique orthodontic plan calls for tooth extraction. As an example, a patient who has overcrowded teeth will likely require the removal of one or several teeth. Tooth extraction in an overcrowded mouth generates additional space for the other teeth in the mouth to pull into alignment for ideal positioning. For the most part, extracting overcrowded teeth is usually necessary for younger patients as opposed to adults whose teeth have been in position for years or decades.
A tooth that breaks near the gum line or directly at the gum line might not have enough remaining visible structure to attach to a tooth restoration. As an example, if your tooth breaks at the gum line and there is little tooth structure remaining, it will be difficult if not impossible to attach a dental crown. Such a tooth will likely require extraction. However, there is no way to know unless you visit with the dentist. Even if you do not feel pain when biting after breaking part of your tooth, do not assume everything will be fine. Our dental team’s extraction and replacement of your broken tooth will set the stage for improved oral health across posterity while simultaneously improving your smile.
Our dentist will always employ a conservative approach when attempting to repair a damaged or decayed tooth. However, there are some situations in which trauma has caused significant tooth decay that necessitates extraction. If you have suffered dental trauma in an auto accident, during sports activity, a physical altercation or for any other reason, reach out to our dentist right away to determine the appropriate course of treatment. We will review your decayed or damaged tooth and determine if extraction is appropriate.
Youngsters sometimes need one or several baby teeth extracted. If the baby teeth, also known as milk teeth and primary teeth, are not lost at the appropriate time, the dentist might determine it is best to extract them. However, it is typically one or two baby teeth that require pulling as opposed to every single one. The logic in pulling a baby tooth is to guarantee permanent adult teeth have ample space to emerge in the proper positions.
Though the extraction of a tooth might seem like an excruciatingly painful procedure, it is nothing to fear. Tooth extractions are much more common than most patients think. There is a good chance your dentist has extracted at least one or several teeth this week alone. Our dentist will apply the appropriate anesthetic to numb your pain so you feel as comfortable as possible during the extraction.
Once your mouth is numbed in the area of the problematic tooth, the dentist will perform the extraction. If your tooth is impacted, the dentist will remove bone and gum tissue before extracting the tooth from the ligaments and jaw bone. Our dentist uses forceps with unparalleled precision to gently loosen the troublesome tooth prior to removal. So don’t be fearful of the extraction process! We will discuss all of the pertinent details of the extraction before getting to work. Our dental team will also determine if it is necessary to take an antibiotic before or after the tooth extraction.
Put your faith in our dental team and we will make your tooth extraction as painless and quick as possible.
We can also help with your other oral health challenges to boot. If you need a tooth pulled, have not been to the dentist in six months or are looking for a new dentist, reach out to us to schedule an appointment.