Dental veneers are thin facings typically applied to the tooth’s surface to enhance natural charm and create a dazzling smile. They are an effective solution for discolorations or irregular alignments. Serving as a prosthetic appliance, veneers protect the tooth’s surface from harm and rejuvenate broken or discolored teeth, leading to a radiant and striking smile. If you have smaller teeth causing noticeable gaps, which are hard to address with orthodontics, veneers offer an aesthetically pleasing solution. If you are considering this treatment, talking to Dr. Cheng Zhu of Pleasant Hill Dental in Pleasant Hill, California, is the first step in deciding if this treatment is right for you. Let’s look at a few frequently asked questions about this cosmetic treatment.
If you are dealing with dental concerns such as discoloration, misaligned teeth, cracks, enamel wear, or simply unappealing teeth, regain your self-assurance through cosmetic dentistry to give you a smile transformation. This popular approach enhances your smile and addresses various oral issues. Consulting with our team is key to understanding if porcelain veneers are right for you and which type suits your unique needs.
Dr. Cheng Zhu and his team at Pleasant Hill Dental will evaluate your specific dental needs and recommend the most suitable type of veneer. Factors such as budget, desired outcome, and oral health condition will be considered when determining the right type of veneer.
If you reside in Pleasant Hill, California, and want to speak to a provider about your options for smile enhancement, call (925) 693-7077 to schedule an upcoming visit with our team at 1894 Contra Costa Boulevard.