Prevention beats cure.

You only get one smile, so take care of it the right way.

Even the most thorough flossing and brushing routine aren’t enough to completely protect your mouth. Whether it’s below your gum line or in those hard-to-see, hard-to-reach areas, some areas need expert attention to ensure they stay healthy.

That’s the role of preventive dentistry. It’s more than just regular checkups – it’s a way of safeguarding your oral health, one that lets us catch and address issues before they turn into costly and uncomfortable dental procedures.

What does preventive dentistry do?


Keep your mouth healthy and pristine.


Bolster your daily oral care habits.


Get early warnings and take action fast.

Your health, our protection.

Preventive Cleanings

Our hygienists catch the plaque and tartar build-ups that your brushing and flossing routine misses, helping you achieve a completely clean feeling with a gentle touch and the latest tools.

Fluoride Treatments

Whether it’s at home or during your checkups, fluoride treatments help you keep cavities in check while restoring essential minerals that may be lost during brushing and cleaning.

Oral Hygiene & Nutrition Counselling

From which foods you should eat to what type of brush you should use, we’ll equip you with the knowledge and habits you need to properly care for your teeth between regular checkups.

Initial and Recurring Exams

Right from your first visit, we’ll assess your mouth and ensure that, with every 6-month checkup, your teeth, gums, and oral health remain just as good – or better – than your first visit.

Digital X-Rays

X-rays give you an extra layer of oral health protection by helping us look past your gums and tissues to check for signs of decay and disease throughout your mouth.

Periodontal Screenings

Our periodontal screenings let us catch and treat periodontitis before it leads to more serious issues from gum disease like gum separation and tooth loss.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Through a simple, pain-free exam, we check for signs of oral cancer in its earliest stages, so if something is detected, you’ll have a much higher chance of making a full recovery.

Dental Sealant

Acid, food, and plaque bacteria wear down your teeth over time. But not with dental sealant. Painless and non-invasive, it’s a shield for your teeth – even in those hard-to-reach areas.

Elevate your comfort.

3 Sedation Options

Whether it’s gas, oral, or IV conscious sedation, you’re in for an experience that’s entirely free from stress or anxiety, thanks to Dr. Cheng Zhu’s renowned sedation dentistry expertise.

All-Digital Dentistry

Digital dentistry doesn’t mean more screens. It means dental care that’s faster, safer, and more accurate for everything from basic examinations to complex treatments.

In-Chair Entertainment

With supportive chairs, comfortable headsets, and ceiling-mounted TVs for every treatment room, your visits will fly by in the blink of an eye.

Flexible Payment

Pay for your treatments at a pace that works for your budget with the flexible financing options from our partners at Care Credit and Lending Club.

What do patients say?

They have a great team! Dr. Zhu does great work. He’s always cracking jokes, which makes me laugh and puts me at ease. Luz, Savannah, and Jessica are really sweet. They make you feel comfortable and well taken care of. I’m so happy to be a patient there! ❤️

Stephanie A.

Take control of your oral health.

Don’t let problems creep up and take you by surprise.

Preventive dentistry is the smart choice for your oral health, ensuring the well-being of your smile today while protecting it from potential troubles tomorrow.

Whether it’s a routine cleaning or a scheduled screening, you can trust the experts at Pleasant Hill Dental to take care of your oral health – always with complete focus on your comfort and always with a smile.

Don’t push your oral health aside for another day.

If you’ve been putting off your next dental appointment because of how you’re expecting it to feel, request inhalation sedation! Call us today at (925) 693-7077 to schedule or… Contact Us