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The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry makes dental cleanings and procedures painless. Let our dentist sedate you prior to your dental work and you will feel absolutely no discomfort at all. This is the perfect solution for those intimidated by the dentist’s chair due to uncomfortable experiences in the past, anxiety or general fear.

Sedation Dentistry Explained in Plain English

Sedation dentistry1 relaxes patients to the point that they feel no pain whatsoever during dental procedures. Opt for sedation dentistry and your visit with the dentist will be painless and worry-free. Examples of medications used to sedate patients prior to dental work include nitrous oxide, propofol, Halcion and ketamine. Some such medications encourage relaxation while others induce sleep.

Meet with your dentist to determine which medication is best for your unique anxiety level. If you have a preference in terms of how the medication is received, let your dentist know. You can be sedated through regular breathing, with the swallowing of a pill, inhaled sedation or even IV sedation by way of an injection in your vein.

Sedation Dentistry is Quick

The dentist will be able to work that much quicker when you are sedated. There is no potential for unexpected movements when patients reach this level of deep relaxation. The dentist is liberated to focus on the dental work to complete the procedure in a timely yet accurate manner. If your aim is to get in and out of the dentist’s office as quickly as possible, sedation dentistry is the best approach.

There is No Risk of Painful Memories

People who dread visiting the dentist have had uncomfortable experiences or envision painful sessions in the dentist’s chair when thinking about potential treatment. Some people simply cannot escape recurring nightmares of dental pain due to a traumatic procedure in the dentist’s office as a child, tween or teen. If you are worried about an experience that leads to flashbacks, opt for sedation dentistry. You can enjoy all the benefits of professional dental treatment without the risk of nightmares or flashbacks as you will not remember your dental procedure.

Types of Dental Sedation

There are several different ways to administer dental sedation. In some situations, the inhalation of nitrous oxide is optimal. In other cases, intravenous sedation is best. Patients can also undergo conscious sedation with the use of sedatives. The point is there are a specific sedation method and degree optimal for each unique patient. Most patients find oral sedatives such as adiazepam to be the most comfortable as they do not require an injection. However, intravenous sedation, also known as IV sedation, can be used to administer the anesthetic.

Conscious inhalation sedation requires the use of nitrous oxide gas, also referred to as laughing gas to help the patient to relax. A local anesthetic is provided in unison with the nitrous oxide sedation to prevent pain. General anesthesia is also available. This form of dental sedation is centered on the use of an anesthetic to cause the patient to become unconscious. Local anesthetics are reserved for serious operations as the patient is unaware of the surrounding environment.

The Comfort You Have Been Looking For

If you detest going to the dentist’s office, take a moment to think about what, exactly, you do not like about the experience. Perhaps your teeth or gums are sensitive. Maybe you have had one or several bad experiences in the past. Some people are afraid of numbing needles, dental drills and/or dental probes. Others simply find dental treatment as a whole to be uncomfortable. Sedation dentistry is the answer. Opt for sedation dentistry and you will be sedated to just the right level. You will be unaware of the dental treatment yet you will wake after the procedure or treatment feeling well-rested.

Sedation Dentistry Allows for Patient Responses

Most forms of sedation dentistry are not strong to the point that they will completely knock out the patient. Patients are sedated yet they are usually capable of responding to the dentist during the procedure. Though sedated, the patient is still awake. If you absolutely have to respond to the dentist after being sedated in the dental chair, you will be able to do so in your relaxed state. This way, if the dentist asks you to open your mouth wider, you will be able to respond accordingly. The bottom line is there is absolutely nothing to fear when you take the sedation dentistry route. Give sedation dentistry a try and you will swear by it for the rest of your visits with the dentist.

Sedation Dentistry is Ideal for Special Needs Patients

If you or your child, teen or tween have autism or another sensory processing disorder, sedation dentistry is the best approach to professional oral healthcare. Sedation dentistry calms down special needs patients to the point that they can peacefully undergo dental procedures with surprising ease. This approach to dental treatment minimizes the patient’s sensitivity. Sedation dentistry ultimately empowers the dentist to focus on the nuances of the treatment rather than calming the patient.

Sedation Dentistry for Those who Struggle to get Numb

If it takes a while or several injections to get numb at the dentist’s office, you are burning through valuable time. Furthermore, you should not be subjected to massive needles just to undergo a dental procedure. Sedation dentistry also helps those who are plagued by a strong gag reflex. Such a reflex makes it challenging to undergo dental treatments. Sedation dentistry relaxes you to the point that you no longer have as much of a gag reflex or any reflex at all, making it that much easier for the dentist to perform the treatment or procedure and send you on your merry way.

Pleasant Hill Dental

Are you interested in sedation dentistry? Pleasant Hill Dental provides sedation dentistry and plenty more. If you are worried about visiting with the dentist, don’t fret. Our sedation dentistry will eliminate any potential discomfort. Give us a call at (925) 693-7077 to learn more about sedation dentistry and schedule an appointment.


Dr. Cheng Zhu

Published by
Dr. Cheng Zhu

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