If wisdom teeth come through smoothly and pose no risk to nearby teeth, there’s really no reason to have them removed. Impacted wisdom teeth, however, should be removed to avoid oral health issues like cysts, benign tumors, and gum disease. Impacted wisdom teeth removal involves surgery, which can be done by your Pleasant Hill, California dentist, Dr. Cheng Zhu, at his practice, Pleasant Hill Dental.
After taking x-rays and evaluating your condition, Dr. Zhu can determine if your wisdom teeth are impacted and need removal. If so, we’ll review the surgical procedure with you so you can prepare accordingly. Impacted wisdom teeth removal is generally done under local anesthesia to prevent pain and discomfort. If you’re really nervous about this procedure, we can also give you a sedative to help you relax for your treatment. To be on the safe side, it would be good to have someone drive you to and from this dental appointment.
Once you’ve received the anesthesia, Dr. Zhu will make an incision into your gum to gain access to your tooth. We’ll then use forceps to have it removed. We may break your tooth into pieces for easier removal. After removal, we’ll stitch the incision to help your gum heal.
Dr. Zhu will provide full instructions on caring for the incision site to expedite your healing. The following tips can be helpful in having a smoother recovery:
You should be up and about within 3 to 4 days of your extraction, although the site itself may take up to a month to heal. If you experience complications, Dr. Zhu and our team are just a phone call away.
To schedule an appointment for wisdom tooth extraction, contact Pleasant Hill Dental in Pleasant Hill, CA, at (925) 693-7077.